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Fables of the Sun (Dongeng Matahari)

Indonesian Version
Pada zaman dahulu, orang Mesir mengira Nut si Dewi langit, menelan Matahari setiap malam dan melahirkan Matahari yang baru keesokan harinya.
Orang Lithuania di Eropa selatan mengisahkan dongeng yang berbeda. Matahari dan Bulan saling jatuh cinta, kemudian menikah. Mereka mempunyai anak yang diberi nama Bumi. Namun, kedua pasangan ini selalu bertengkar. Bulan meminta supaya Matahari tidak terlalu panas sedangkan Matahari meminta Bulan supaya tidak terlalu dingin. Akhirnya, mereka pun memutuskan untuk bercerai.
Namun, masing-masing ingin merawat bumi. Ketika mereka tidak bisa memutuskan apa yang harus dilakukan, mereka menghadap Dewa Guntur yang Agung. Guntur berkata kepada Matahari supaya ia merawat anak itu dari pagi sampai menjelang malam dan berkata kepada Bulan supaya merawatnya sepanjang malam.
Intulah yang terjadi. Sesekali, kalau Bulan sangat sibuk, bintang-bintang adiknya, menyinari bumi.

English Version
Long time ago, the Egyptians thought the goddess Nut sky, swallowing the sun every night and gave birth to a new sun to the next day.

Fables of the Sun (Dongeng Matahari)
Goddess Nut Sky

             Lithuanian people in southern Europe tells a different tale. Sun and Moon are in love, then get married. They had a son named Earth. However, the two couples are always fighting. Moon asked that the Sun is not too hot while the Sun asked the Moon from getting too cold. Finally, they decided to divorce.

However, each of them wants to take care of the earth. When they could not decide what to do, they are facing the Great God of Thunder. Thunder told the Sun that he took care of the child from early morning until late at night and said to the Moon in order to take care of her baby the earth all night.
Fables of the Sun (Dongeng Matahari)
The Sun and the Moon Visited their Son Earth

That's what happened. Occasionally, when the Moon is very busy, stars her brother, shining on the earth.
So, that’s story tale the day is bright caused of the sun, and the night is dark but lighten by the moon ^^
So, that’s the reason why the sun keeps hot and the moon keep cold. The sun is functioning to light the earth from morning to night, while the moon keeps the earth cold from evening to the morning. This is happening all the time, but when the season is changing, the sun does not light the earth, but there is rain is falling and spray the earth, this is the reason why the plants can grow up, because it is given enough water from the sky. And as the human being we also need the sun in our daily life to keep our activity is running well, and also we need the moon in the night for a better rest.