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Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac newton (1643-1727)

Sir Isaac newton was the greatest scientist of the century.
He was an English citizen. His father was a farmer who died before Newton born.
In school, Newton’s friends often mocked him as stupid, taciturn, different,
dreamed person, and easily got offended. But then, he studied hard and
succeeded in becoming the champion of the class. Since that moment,
his friends never dared to disturb him again.
Sir Isaac Newton liked reading, thinking much,
conducting many experiments, and writing.
 Newton’s most popular and qualified book in the world was Principia.
In this book, Newton explained his three laws related to the movement of body.
Beside as a physicist, Newton was a mathematician, astronomer,
philosopher, writer, and professor as well. He invented the gravitational law,
motion law, calculus, reflecting telescope, and spectrum.

His work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, 
published in 1687 is considered as the most influential books in the history of science. 
The book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, 
which means in Latin "mathematical principles of natural philosophy" 
is a book by Isaac Newton. It was published by on July 5, 1687. 
This book laid the foundations of classical mechanics. 
In this work, Newton described the law of gravitation and the three
 laws of motion which dominated the scientific view of the 
universe for three centuries. Newton was able to show that 
the motion of objects on Earth and other space governed by a set of 
natural laws are the same. He proved it by demonstrating the 
consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion with the theory of gravity. 
His work was finally remove doubt scientists will heliocentrism 
and advancing the scientific revolution.
In the field of mechanics, Newton sparked the principle of conservation 
of momentum and angular momentum. In the field of optics, 
he managed to build the first reflecting telescope and developed 
a theory of color based on the observation that a glass prism will split white light into other colors. 
He also formulated the law of cooling and studied the speed of sound.
In mathematics also, along with the work of Gottfried Leibniz are done separately, 
Newton developed differential calculus and integral calculus. 
He also managed to describe the binomial theory, developed "Newton's method" 
to approach the zero value of a function, and contributed to the study of power series.

Even now, Newton is still very influential among scientists. 
A 2005 survey which questioned the scientists and the general public at 
the Royal Society of who is to make greater contributions in science, 
whether Newton or Albert Einstein, showed that Newton 
considered to provide a greater contribution.