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was born in Syracuse Italy, in 287 BC.
Archimedes was the greatest scientist before Newton.
He was a mathematician, physicist, optics expert,
astronomer, writer, and discoverer.
He got new name of a father of experimental
science because he proved
his entire discovery with experiment.
Archimedes was the best friend of Hireon II,
the Syracuse king in that era. One day,
the kind ordered a goldsmith to make a crown.
The king was suspicious that the crown was not
made from a pure gold. To prove the goldsmith
dishonesty, the king ordered Archimedes to prove it.
At home, Archimedes weighed a pure gold, which weight
was the same with the king crown,
then the gold is immersed in a vessel
that full of water. The overflowed
water was caught and weighed.
The same method was conducted to the king crown.
As a result, the water that overflowed from the
second vessel was more than the water
that overflowed from the first vessel.
Based on this case, Archimedes
was able to prove that the king crown
was not made from a pure gold.
Alongside with that, Archimedes’s
principle was found. 
As a young man, Archimedes studying in Alexandria Egypt. 
At that time he became friends with two mathematicians, Conon and Eratosthenes. 
Conon is highly regarded Archimedes mathematician. 
While at the same mathematician Eratosthenes was an astronomer who like to preen. 
Archimedes often share their thoughts and discuss with them. 
Conon then died and correspondence with Archimedes replaced by Dositheus, nurd Conon.

In 1906, JL Heiberg made ​​a dramatic discovery in Constantinople, 
the "letter" of Archimedes to Eratosthenes that contain mechanical or suatiu teorama medtode
In this letter Archimedes heavy gauge, in the imagination. 
In order to know the area or know the volume (content) something known through something known. 
He pioneered the science is based on extracting facts. 
This fact is then used as comparison to later be proven mathematically.

Another version says that Archimedes studied at Euclid students. 
Can be referred to as a mathematician Archimedes once physicist first to discover the "war machine", mechanical tools and water pumps for pick-up the Nile to irrigate the lands throughout nation.

How Archimedes thinking?
At the time of Archimedes, is the Roman empire that has a number of corrupt officials. 
While Carthage became the ruler of the kingdom of the colony covers an area 
along the coast of Africa to the Spanish. Romans did to Carthage attacks twice so there Punic war. 
Romans conquered Carthage.
Not long after, Carthage was able to get up and go back to the Roman force attack. 
Tempers third Punic war volumes. 
The Roman army destroyed the city and massacred its inhabitants in 146 BC.

During the Punic war, the Roman army led by Claudius Marcellus. 
In 214 BC they attacked Syracuse. 
The main reason is because the king of Syracuse in a relationship with Carthage. 
While other reason is because the Roman soldiers can always conquer a small area with ease.