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Application of Coulomb Force

Why can not the original comb pull the paper can pull the paper after being rubbed scrape the hair? Before comb rubbed rubbing on the hair, comb is neutral (no electrical charge) so it can not pull scraps of paper. After rubbing a comb rubbed on the hair, comb becomes electrically charged, so it can pull scraps of paper.

The process is electrically charged comb can pull scraps of paper can be explained as follows. In most neutral atoms or molecules, the center of positive charge coincides with the center of negative charge. When the insulator (example scraps of paper) is approached by electrically charged objects (for example, positively charged comb), the center of negative charge is pulled closer to the positively charged object. This will result in a positive charge. Thus, it will produce more negative charge on the side adjacent to the object giving the charge. This produces a more negative charge on the side adjacent to the object giving the charge. Different cargo types produces attractive forces that can be attached to the insulator electrically charged objects.

Electric charge is a basic entity and to be excellent in electrostatics. Electric charge can be transferred from one object to another by brushing or other means, but the charge can not be created or destroyed. There are two types of charges: positive and negative. Similar payload is repelling, and the cargo was to be a kind of attraction.
Coulomb's law is the law that describes the relationship between the force arising between two point charges, separated a certain distance, the value of the charge and the distance separating the two.

This law states if there are two point charges will arise between the two styles, the amount of which is proportional to the multiplication of the value of the two charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The interaction between charged objects (not just a point charge) occurs through non-contact style that works beyond the separation distance. The other thing to note is that the direction of the force on each charge is always along the line connecting the two charges. Force that arises can make a second point charge of mutual attraction or repel each other, depending on the value of each charge. Payload type (same sign) will repel each other, while different types of cargo each other attraction.
Coulomb force is an interaction force between electrically charged particles. The forces that are experienced by a person in daily life are mainly the gravitational force and electromagnetic forces. The gravitational force is weaker by a factor of approximately 10 than the Coulomb force. Why is it that in daily life we more often experience the gravitational force than the Coulomb force? The answer is simple, namely because most materials are electrically neutral. The roles of Coulomb force in quantum physics are: (1) as an electric force that functions to bind the electrons of an atom to the nucleus (the atom’s nucleus is positively charged); (2) as a force that binds several atoms to form a molecules; (3) as a force that binds atoms inside molecules to form a solid or a liquid.

Application of Coulomb Force
Charles-Augustin de Coulomb

You may note that inside an atom’s nucleus, protons and neutrons making up the nucleus are bound together by a kind of attractive force called the nuclear force. What would happen if this nuclear force was not existent? The atom’s nucleus would be suddenly separated because a strong attractive Coulomb force works on the positively charged protons.