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How To Remove Blackheads

How To Remove Blackheads
Blackheads are dark blockage made of a fatty substance (sebum) which clog the pilosebaceous follicles (channel oil glands in the skin surface). Blackheads are usually black or white and most often appear around the nose or area T (forehead, nose, and chin). The cause of blackheads is a buildup of excess oil, hormonal factors, excessive use of cosmetics, and dead skin cells. Well, now a lot of drugs or treatment blackheads you can spend. However, not all products are safe and suitable for your skin. Better, you try several ways to remove blackheads naturally like this.
baking soda
Baking soda is a way to remove blackheads and pimples are the most effective. How to use it is to mix 2 teaspoons baking soda and mineral water. Apply the mixture on the skin of blackheads and massage gently. Well, then let stand for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. Repeat 1-2 times a week so that dirt and spots blackheads can be lost.
Cinnamon can be used as a way to remove blackheads and prevent blackheads appear. You simply mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with pure honey. Apply a mixture of cinnamon in the area or the skin of blackheads before sleeping like applying a mask. Allow up tomorrow morning and rinse with plain water. This way is effective when used for 10 consecutive days.
green tea
You can remove blackheads with green tea mixed with a little bit of water. Rub the mixture on the blackheads area until blended, leave for a few minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water. You can also use a mixture of green tea had a scrub to cleanse oily skin.
In addition to effectively treat minor burns, turmeric can also be used as a way to remove blackheads. Mix a few tablespoons of turmeric powder with two tablespoons of mint leaf juice until blended. Next, paste on the skin area blackheads and allow it to dry and then rinse with warm water.
Cornstarch is made from corn has abrasive properties which can clean and scrape the dirt on the surface of your skin and close the pores of the skin. You simply mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with a facial cleanser that is commonly used in everyday life. Before application, open the skin pores by steaming the face using warm water. Massage your face when the mask has been applied in a circular motion. Well, after a few minutes of massage, rinse with cold water. This will help close the pores of your skin.

Some of these include how to remove blackheads effective when used regularly. However, if the above tips do not make changes to your skin, it is better to visit a dermatologist. These all the tips today from coolKnowledge

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