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Why Do the Feathers of A Peacock Shine?

Animals that have brightly colored wings, is known as a beautiful and graceful animal. Hence, many beliefs consider the peacock as a symbol of beauty, fidelity, eternity and peace. But, there are some things that are not less privileged of India's national bird. As the following facts.
Habitat peacock in the forest and rain forest that are found in the regions of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia and Central Africa. Peacock love to eat seeds, berries, leaves, flower parts, insects and small creatures.
Peacocks live in groups and form a family. They live in trees at night. And in the daytime, they prefer to walk on the ground and perched on bare tree branches.
The wings are beautiful on the peacock was only held by a male peacock, not a female. Because this beautiful wings used by male peacock to attract the female. Meanwhile, the females do not have a long tail feathers in order to hide and lay eggs safely in the bushes.
Because of her beauty, the peacock was subjected to manhunt. As a result, the population has continued to decline, and if left unchecked could lead to extinction. In addition to its coat, peacocks are also hunted for meat. Meat peacock believed to be a cure for arthritis.
peacock feathers are very close together works much like a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water or thin layer of rock. When sunlight which consist of several wavelength fall on a peacock’s feather, some of the wavelengths will be subject to constructive interference, according to the different thicknesses of the feathers. The constructive interference from various colors (or various wavelengths) create bright light of different colors on the feathers, as shown in the picture
The same phenomenon can be seen on soap bubbles and oil that float on the water surface. Hence, the colors on a peacock’s feathers, soap bubbles, and oil are caused by optical effects; does not originate from the objects themselves. 
Why Do the Feathers of A Peacock Shine?
            Its awesome right? Many of events in this life can be explained by physics theory accidentally. Out there, there are still so many facts can be explained by physics theory, but the question is, have we already found it or not? To understand the facts in this life we need to understand well about physics matter, but unfortunately, many of us do not like physics subject specially for children nowadays.

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