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Niels Henrik David Bohr

Niels Henrik David Bohr
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Niels Henrik David Bohr was born in 1885 in Copenhagen. In 1911 he achieved his doctorate physics from the University of Copenhagen. Shortly after that he went to Cambridge, England. There he studied under the tutelage J.J. Thompson, the famous scientist who discovered the electron. In just a few months after that Bohr moved to Manchester, studied at Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus of a few years earlier (the nucleus) of the atom. This was Rutherford who confirms (in contrast to earlier suggestions) that atoms are mostly bare, with the constituent parts that are heavy on the middle and outer electrons. Shortly after that Bohr soon developed his own theory that new and radical about the structure of atoms.
Working paper Bohr-like cradles history "On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules," published in the Philosophical Magazine in 1933. Bohr introduced the theory of the atom as a kind of miniature planets around the sun, with the electrons in orbits around the subject, but with a crucial difference: when the laws of classical physics says about the orbital velocity in all sizes, Bohr proved that electrons in a atom can only spin in its orbit in a certain specific size. Or in another formulation of the sentence: the electrons that surround the constituent parts are in the energy level (shell) given without absorbing or emitting energy. Electrons can move from the inner layer to the outer layer if it absorbs energy. Instead, the electrons will move from the outer layer into the deeper layers of the radiated energy.
Bohr introduced the theory of radical difference with the notion of the classical theory of physics. Some scientists are full of imagination (like Einstein) immediately rushed to praise the working paper Bohr as a "masterpiece," a large work; even so, many other scientists initially ignoring the truth of the new theory. Experiments of the most critical is the ability to explain the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom spectrum. It has long been known that hydrogen gas when heated at high heat levels, would give off light. However, this does not cover all light colors, but only certain frequencies of light from something. The greatest value of the Bohr theory of the atom is a set of hypotheses could explain the simple but with provisions that awesome about the exact wavelengths of all spectral lines (color) emitted by hydrogen. Furthermore, Bohr's theory predicted the existence of additional spectral lines, look at the time before, but later confirmed by the experimentalist. In addition, the Bohr theory of atomic structure, first presenting a clear explanation of why atoms have the size as it is. Judging from all the events that assure this, the Bohr theory was immediately accepted, and in 1922 may Bohr, the Nobel Prize for physics.
In 1920 the institution was founded in Theoretical Physics and Bohr's Copenhagen so directors. Under his leading quickly attract young scientists are brilliant and it soon became the center of the world of scientific investigation.
But while the Bohr theory of atomic structure facing difficulties. Most basic problem is that the Bohr theory, though perfectly explains the difficulties the future atoms (eg hydrogen), which has one electron, not exactly estimate the spectra of other atoms. Some scientists, fascinated by the tremendous success of Bohr's theory explained in terms of the hydrogen atom, with the perfect little hope Bohr theory, they can also explain the spectra of heavier atoms. Bohr himself was one of the first to realize that little improvement will not help, because that's what is needed is an overhaul radical. But, however he took all reasonable genius, yet he was not able to solve it.
Solving eventually discovered by Werner Heisenberg and others, began in 1925. It is interesting to note here, that Heisenberg and correctly generally new-- scientists who developed the theory of learning in Copenhagen, which undoubtedly have benefited greatly from discussions with Bohr and relate to each other. Bohr himself rushed towards new ideas and help develop it. He made important contributions to a new theory, and sodomy discussions and writings, he helped make more systematic.
1930s more attention to the problem shows the basic parts of the atomic structure. He developed an important model "liquid drop" the principal part of the atom. He also put forward the theory of the problem of the "combination of the constituent parts" in an atomic reaction to be solved. Moreover, Bohr is a person who quickly claimed that the uranium isotopes involved in nuclear division is U235. This statement has significance in the subsequent development of the atomic bomb.
In 1940 German troops occupied Denmark. It's putting yourself in danger Bohr, in part because he had anti-Nazi attitude is widespread, in part because his mother was Jewish. In 1943, Bohr fled from Denmark who became occupied areas, to Sweden. He also helped a large number of Danish Jews escape to avoid death in the gas chambers of Hitler. From Sweden Bohr fled to England and from there cross into the United States. In this country, during the war, Bohr help make atomic bombs. After the war, Bohr returned to Denmark and village heads the institute until his spirit hovering 1`562 year. In the years after the war Bohr strive success-- --even not push the international community in order to supervise the use of atomic energy.
Bohr married in 1912, at about the time he did a great job in the field of science. She had five children, one named Aage Bohr, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1975. Bohr was the most favored in the world of scientists, not solely because of his knowledge saluting the genius, but also his personality and character and humanity that depth.
Although the original Bohr's theory of atomic structure is over fifty years ago, he remains one of the great figures in the 20th century. There are several reasons why it is so. First, some of the important things are still considered correct theory. For example, the idea that an atom could exist only on the level of energy that is carefully form an integral part of all theories of atomic structure next. Another thing, Bohr picture of the atom has a great significance for finding something for yourself, even though modern scientists do not think it was literally true. The most important of all, perhaps, is the idea of Bohr which is the driving force for the development of "quantum theory." Although some ideas have expired, but it is certainly historically theories have proved the starting point of the modern theory of the atom and the subsequent development of the field of quantum mechanics.