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Newton's 3 Laws of Motion

         If you are going to remove a table, you will push or pull the table so that it moves. But if you stop pushing or pulling, the table will also stop. Based on this fact, former scientific philosopher stated that a force is needed to keep the body moving. However, Galileo and Newton’s researches found that the reality is not like that. Newton’s statements related to the movement of the body were declared in three formulas known as Newton’s Laws. 

1.      1. Newton’s First law
Newton’s first law states, “A body acted on by no net force moves with constant velocity (which may be zero) and zero acceleration”. In other words: “When no net force acts on a body, the body either remains at rest or moves with constant velocity in a straight line. Once a body has been set in motion, no net force is needed to keep it moving”. It is mathematically formulated as :
Newton's 3 Laws of Motion
          According to Newton’s first law, a body at rest condition will always stand at its rest and the body that moves will always stands its movement. The property of a body which always stands its first condition or its position is known as inertia.
           An inertial property of a body can be felt when you are standing or sitting in a moving city bus. When the bus braked immediately, you will be pushed forward. Why? The bus initially moves so that it tends to keep moving and so do you in the bus. As the result, when the bus braked immediately, you are pushed forward because you stand the initial moving condition. On the other hand, when the bus is initially at rest condition and then the bus moves, you will be pushed backward because you stand the initially rest condition.

2.      2. Newton’s Second Law
Bind a toy car with a rubber bangle, and the give force by pulling it. The toy car will move and get acceleration in the same direction with the direction of the pulling force you gave as shown in figure (a) below. Observe the strain of the rubber! Now, add a wooden block on the toy car as shown in figure (b), and then give the same pulling force to it. Which figures will get bigger acceleration, car in figure (a) or figure (b)? if the given force is the same, the toy car in figure (a) will get bigger acceleration, because it has less mass. In order to have a bigger acceleration, the toy car in figure (b) needs a bigger force. This additional force will be seen when the length of the rubber increases.

Newton's 3 Laws of Motion

          Based on these phenomena, Newton formulated his second law which states, “If a net external force act on body, the body accelerates. The direction of acceleration is the same as the direction of net force. The net force vector is equal to the mass of the body times the acceleration of the body.” On other words: “Acceleration caused by forces working on a body is equal to the magnitude of the force and unequal to the mass of the body”. Is it formulated mathematically as follows:
Newton's 3 Laws of Motion
a = the body acceleration (m/s2)
F = the total force (N)
m = the mass of the body (kg)

3.      3. Newton’s Third law
Newton’s third law of motion states that : “If body 1 exerts a force on body 2 (an action), then the body 2 exerts a force on body 1 (a reaction). These two forces have the same magnitude but are opposite in direction. There are two forces act on different bodies.”
Newton's 3 Laws of Motion
Child A exerts a force to child B, child B also exerts a force to child A
with the same magnitude but from the opposite direction.
As the result, A and B will move in the opposite direction

          If a body exerts a force (action) to another body, then the other body will also exerts a force (reaction) to the first body within the same magnitude. The pair of these two forces is often known as the pair of action-reaction force. Mathematically, Newton’s third law can be formulated as :

F1 = - F2
F1 = action force
F2 = reaction force (negative sign shows that the two forces are in the opposite direction).