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Moment of Inertia of a Rigid Body

            hello guys, today coolknowledge is going to share about moment of inertia of a rigid body. When we talk about moment inertia there are two famous cases appear in our mind. They are the moment inertia of Sphere and moment inertia of Cylinder.

There are two objects, one of the small mass objects and other objects has a greater mass. Which objects are easier to move when driven with the same style? The fact indicates that the object whose mass is smaller easier to move than the object whose mass is greater. So big or small mass of the object is large or small acceleration determines the motion of objects if worked on a style. If in a straight motion, the mass of an object determines whether easy or difficult to be moved (accelerated), then the rotational motion, moment of inertia of an object to determine whether an object is easy or difficult to move. To better understand the definition of the moment of inertia, learned explanations below.

The moment of inertia is a measure of the inertia of an object to rotate on its axis. This measurement is analogous to the rotation rather than the masses. The moment of inertia plays a role in rotational dynamics as mass in basic dynamics, and determining the relationship between angular momentum and angular velocity, moment of force and angular acceleration, and several other quantities. Although the discussion of the scalar moment of inertia, discussion tensor approach allows the analysis of more complex systems such as gyroscopic motion. Therefore before we discuss more about these two cases, we gotta know first about the moment inertia of a rigid body itself.

Moment of force is a form of business with one point as a reference point. For example, children playing seesaw, with the pivot point of reference is a seesaw. In the rotating pulley because rubbing against the rope is pulled and connected to a load.
Moment of force is the product of the force and direction of the line of work the shortest distance to the fulcrum. Moment of force is often referred to as torque or torque.

Moment inertia of a rigid body can be determined as follows:
Moment of Inertia of a Rigid Body
By knowing the formula of moment inertia of a rigid body, now we can determine the moment inertia of Sphere and Cylinder as follows:
Moment of Inertia of a Rigid Body
Moment of Inertia of a Rigid Body

Now, you can understand well and easily about moment inertia of a rigid body and you can see clearly the implementation in your daily life. See you in the next subject.

 cool knowledge ^^