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How Can Bats Fly During the Night Without Colliding into Objects?

How Can Bats Fly During the Night Without Colliding into Objects?

In scientific research, a bat is released in a dark room in which several parallel wires have been installed and the distance between the wires is very close. Film recordings revealed that the bat could fly through the wires without hitting them. The bat’s vision is not very special. If a bat flies through the night by relying on its vision, it will run into walls as often as we do.
Bats like to prey on insects for dinner. How can a bat fly in the night without hitting the objects around it and catch small insects? Bats regularly transmit ultrasonic sounds through their mouths and noses. These sound waves echo (are reflected) back, giving image of the objects around the bats. This process is called echolocation. Hence, bats use echoes (reflected sounds) to determine the surrounding situation and to locate their prey. Their big uniquely shaped ears help them determine from where the echoes come.

Often we see the bats fly at night. They fly in the dark so quickly without bumping everything into it. so how bats are able to fly in the dark?
Vision bat very active at night is bad if you have to look at long distances. To be able to move and fly quickly in the darkness they use Echoloration. Echoloration the transmission of sound waves to find objects, food and to detect obstacles. This high frequency sound that comes from the mouth of the bat outside the range of human hearing. Some species also produce these sounds bat from the middle of the nose when eating while flying.

The workings of this is echoloration out sound waves away from the bat and then bounce off the objects around and form an echo and bounce back to the bat. Echoes that bounce that gave information about the size, shape, direction and distance of the object to the bat.

Some bats are very skillful in finding objects by echolocation, so even in pitch darkness they can detect wires that are arranged in parallel and get past without hitting them. Currently, investigations are being conducted to simulate the bat’s skill in sharply distinguishing surrounding objects and develop accurate mine-detection systems on mine-sweeping ships.
Sound is generated by vibrations. However how come you do not hear any sound when you move your arm back and forth in a regular fashion? The fact is, you do produce sound but the frequency is very low (infrasonic sound) to be heard by your ears. Some animals, such as crickets can hear infrasonic sounds. Elephants communicate among each other by infrasonic sounds. Volcanoes and earthquakes transmit infrasonic sounds. Even certain machines in factories vibrate at infrasonic frequencies. These sounds can endanger the workers who are exposed to them for an extended period. Although these infrasonic sounds are inaudible, the energy carried by the waves can alter processes in the body.

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